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Thinking BIG will save your business pt 1 – think structure, save $$$
Entrepreneurs who want to change their world and possibly even rule it, constantly think big picture and act accordingly. They paint their destiny in bold brushstrokes and display it for all to see. This isn’t for everyone of course. Some prefer to...
Avoid the “vanity” lease and preserve your profits
Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life. There is a fine and potentially very expensive line between securing the...
Breaking even is the new Breaking Bad. It seems okay… until…
If you survived year one of your business ownership and you’ve broken even – well done and congratulations. You’ve made some massive personal, financial and emotional investments and on paper, you’re no worse off than you were when you started. In...
6 Reasons to book your holiday right now!
You’ve heard the saying, “make hay while the sun shines”, right? It means that you should work as hard as you can, for as long as you can while the money is still on offer. It makes some sense but workaholics and people who feel they have to keep...
Share your brain or feel the pain. How to avoid insulting business valuations and low-ball offers
It’s a disheartening fact that many people have a fabulous business, with a healthy turnover but routinely get slapped in the face with low valuations. It can be very disappointing and from time to time it can be insulting. How does this happen?...
How much do you want for your business?
Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life. Now there’s an interesting question to ponder over the weekend. If someone...
Profits are down soooo… do I take a pay cut? The “business $100 note” can save you from yourself
Every business faces a period when revenue drops below expectations for a time. Hopefully this occurs at the beginning of your ownership journey, not the end. It’s at this time that knowing your numbers will provide comfort and reasons for optimism,...
Stay focused on your area of focus
If you are an accountant that delivers excellent service and measures their achievements by how much tax you save people – stop reading now and carry on with what you’re doing. If not, we’d like to echo some advice that came to us from one of our...
Numbers get bored too. Time to put them to work!
Accountants often get saddled with the “boring” tag and that may be because the perception is that they deal exclusively with numbers. And not just any numbers but bland inanimate numbers that simply tell you what happened – past tense. These same...
How to make a memorable weekend
Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life. How many times has someone asked, “what’d you get up to on the weekend?”...
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