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The agony of almost making it to the end of the month. Cashflow catastrophes and how to avoid them
Few Olympic or endurance track images are as enduring as the long distance runner that, despite a body that has clearly given up, manages to will themselves over the line. Last place never looked so good. But what about those that cannot make it....
The 80/20 rule, the ATO and you
Saving tax by offering individual care and service to small businesses is our heart and soul. But what about the individual who works for a larger business as an employee? How can they reduce their tax? Well as an individual, it’s a tougher...
In Trusts we trust. Another way to make sure you pay enough tax and nothing more
Paying too much tax is bad. Paying your fair share is good. Black and white statements don’t come much truer than that but as we keep finding, people, honest people running good businesses to help their families, are regularly giving more than they...
Recognise! Celebrating milestones is not only fun but functional
A lot has been made of the value of setting goals, knowing numbers, aiming high, feeling the burn (wait, what?) and a whole bunch of other aspirational catchphrases. They’re fun, they’re motivational and yes, sometime a little clichéd. But it’s...
The Magic that makes a better lifestyle
Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life. It’s Friday and if the weekend hasn’t yet started for you yet, it will...
And now for the (very) good news. Wine is tax deductible
Just calling wine’s tax deductibility “very good news” feels a bit like saying that Australia is large when at 7.69million km2 it ranks sixth in the world in land mass. So the wine thing is pretty huge. There are some provisions, of course. You...
I have a pool so now I can buy an office – smsf magic trick #31
Recently we’ve been speaking about the many and varied ways technology allows us to run a business and the different ways of working people can enjoy as a result. This led us to reviewing some really cool home office set-ups, as well as touching on...
Saving tax is a year round sport. And finals time is just around the corner (the angry coach edition)
Australia is full of people who are very familiar with, if not completely nuts for, one sport or another. They might have a favourite team, a favourite player or simply play on weekends or maybe after work. This is not all people by the way but our...
The motivational benefits of knowing your numbers
We believe there is a quantifiable psychological benefit to having a clear view of critical numbers. But instead of trying to quantify them here, early on a Monday morning, let’s just focus on proving to ourselves anecdotally, that it’s true – more...
Before we go… You’re not a bank, so don’t act like one
Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life.
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